Dinner Program 2023
Cocktails will start at 6 and dinner to follow at 7:30.  We have reserved The New England Ballroom at the Stamford Marriott.  There will be a cash bar.  The cost of a ticket is $130.00 per person. Hard cut off for dinner ticket purchase is Tuesday, September 19.  The ticket will include dinner and a donation to be divided between The Darien Foundation and the ALS Therapy Development Institute in honor of Patty Clark. 

Attire:  Dressy Casual

Please notify Judy at JCBrinck@aol.com or a Committee member if you have food allergies 

Checks should be made payable to

DHS 68 Reunion

Mail to:

DHS 68 Reunion
P.O. Box 2268
Darien, CT 06820

Cancellation Policy:
Planning for the reunion is a challenge. Expenses arise we had not anticipated. If you must cancel, and a refund is important for your financial well-being, we are glad to refund you. On the other hand, if you can make a contribution to the reunion, it will help offset our expenses, and once they are covered, it will add to the gift our class will be making.

Jed and Sue have agreed to lead the meet and greet.

The Committee would like to encourage table visits and lively discussion.